Today's message from Angels on 4 Dec !

Take what resonates with you, your life ! Use your understanding before making any choices. This is general message for everyone.

Angel card is Deception, someone is wearing false mask in this relationship. Now here the relationship can be with someone or it can be your relationship with self.

If you wear false mask, you will experience disappointment where other person is not able to respond to your needs, be very clear what you desire, express yourself clearly, assertively but lovingly. When you do that you allow the person to accommodate you in their life. For this it's important that you understand your needs, goals, aspirations first and not assume that the other person will understand when time comes because you understand them before they say to you. So if you are sad then let people know you are, or if angry or if helpless, here I mean anything that you feel internal express or take a professional help to understand your emotions instead of trying to deal alone.

On the other side if you feel the other person is deceptive then trust your instinct and communicate, but communicate feeling safe and empowerment not out of insecurity. For this the other card which is Surrender to Effortlessness says that to keep the relationship going you are pushing hard to make it happen, specially when you know that this is not good for you. Drop the facade and see / face the reality as one day you have to face, angels understand that it may be not easy process thus they ensure that they are there to support, guide and protect you.

Once you try to make effort to come out of this dark and heavy energy of deception and Surrender to go with the flow, then you will experience peace, love and joy.

As the message was little heavy with emotion I also pulled card from Archangel Michael and it says "Be Gentle with yourself " prayer is " Archangel Michael, please guide me in treating myself with gentle, nurturing love in everything I think, speak and do. Help me know that I deserve this compassion. I release any feeling of guilt to you so that I may experience lasting inner peace. " so be gentle with self in this process.

Someone being deceptive can be a karmic cycle for you, as in some time and space, across some life time you have been deceptive to others and now it is coming back to you so do forgiveness.

Affirm I deserve love, trust and respect thus I experience this in every relationship. People love me for who I am and I have only trustworthy people in my space.

Hope this was helpful !

Lots of love and wishes to you !

Thank you

Payal Lightworker

Angel card from Romance angels Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue
Another card by Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff
Archangel Michael card by Doreen Virtue 

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