Today's message from Universe on 20 Dec !

Today's message from Angels !

I pulled cards from Angel prayers by Kyle Gray and Ascended Masters by Doreen Virtue! Cards are Trustworthy Friends and See other person's point of view.

This cards gives message that angels are helping you to have trustworthy friends, friends who will or are staying beside you in think and thin. They also suggest that you have to see their point of view in this situation as sometime you see what you want to see, through your lenses that is according to your covinence.

So when you see other person's point of view you will be non judgemental and will accept them as they are, also true friends can be brutally honest sometime as they do care for you. Do not let such friends go who are trying to show you the mirror ( not in harsh way ), in other cases if you have any disagreement or conflict or no communication then just try and see their point of view compassionately as they not be what you are thinking about them. Communication can play a major role to improve your relationship, so instead of assuming communicate and voice out your thoughts. If still no resolution them just let them go, as you will create space for people who are looking for friendship that you want to share.

So angels are assuring you that you are not alone, new friends or like minded people may entre in your life, just be open to see their point of view as that will deepen the bond eventually. Be greatful to friends you have, cherish their presence in your life. Call them or go for coffee or movie or maybe picnic or game, anything that helps you to deepen your bond and trust with each other.

AFFIRM I am greatful to my friends, we share love, trust and respect for each other. I am open to see their point of view with open heart.

You are never alone, so if you feel a vacuum in your life where there is no friends, then do this.
1 Forgive your old friends and experience in friendship.
2 check what was your need to attract such friendship
3 join an activity close to your heart, so you connect like minded people
4 call a friend and ask them how are they doing ? Friendship is always has to be two ways, so check your stand.

Ask Ascended Master Avalokitesvara to help you to see other person's point of view in your situation compassionately.

Hope this resonates with you, take what applies to you as this is general reading.

Lots of love and wishes to you.
Thank you

Payal Lightworker 

Email for personal readings.


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