Message from universe on 13 Dec !

Todays message from Universe !

Cards I picked are Lessons and blessings from Past life Oracle cards and Open your Arms to Receiving from Flower therapy Oracle cards.

The message I am getting from this cards are that you have asked for something, here particularly I feel something with regards to relationship ( romantic, friends, family, work or any relationship) , universe is ready to give you just be open to receive. You have completed some important lessons which were carried forward from your past life or past experiences in this life and now you have learnt, blessings are coming towards you. Do not block your receptivity because of these experiences, they are just experience and thus do not give them power in your present or your future. Keep the lesson and take blessings.

When I see these cards it's says that your time has come to enjoy your blessings, you are almost reached to finishing line and now do not give up, the flowers are ready to blossom, you are going to be rewarded for your hard work. Don't keep looking at watch or calender to keep a check that when is this going to happen, just relax, you have asked for it now they are working behind the scene and also offering help to reach next level so just receive and do not be caught up in your own self pity drama, you are powerful / stronger then you think.

Blessings comes in many form and it's all your past life karma which is unfolding now ,just accept them, they will help you on your journey and probably in your manifestation too.

Some of you, maybe experiencing some tough time and it's coming from your repeated pattern so that you learn lessons from that situation and part of you is either resisting or in denial, since you have asked for help this indicates you are on the verge of breaking same, but depending on your situation it may take time to fully come out or to get your desired outcome.
If you feel stuck and do not understand your situation then Ask yourself what I need to learn from this situation ? You will get your answer either through inner guidance, through some friend, article, song, links, books etc. So instead of struggling in that situation, take back your power, forgive yourself and others, ask for forgiveness and you will see situation improving.

I have urge to convey to some people about their talents, your talents are your blessings coming from many past lifes that you have worked on, in this life enhance this talent, explore it, come out from your hiding, share it with people and when you do it you will be in your true self, you will attract your tribe, you will live a passionate life. Your talents are blessings and not a curse, so without judgement or comparison, just to connect to your true self, explore your talent or gift.
Today I had this post where it was written that we all are gifted but some of us do not open are gifts. So just open your gift, it's a blessing.

Affirm I am open to receive help, I am open to receive blessings, I am in gratitude for all support, help, guidance coming my way to explore my talents. I forgive myself, others and ask for forgiveness those whom I have hurt intentionally or unintentionally across time and space, across all life times. I am free and they are free.

You can visit a Past life regression therapist to explore your talents or to understand your lessons.

Hope this resonates with you, take what applies to you as this is general reading.

Lots of love and wishes !

Thank you

Payal Lightworker

Flower therapy Cards are by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves

Past life cards are by Doreen Virtue and Brian L. Weiss. 

For personal reading email me.


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