Today's message from Angels : 22 Nov 2018 !

As you are heading towards 2019, the remaining month create a vision board for the coming year. People who wants to achieve something they work towards their goals, thus today( in coming days too) work towards your future plans. Divide your plans in baby steps, do not stick to results just write your plans on a vision board. If possible be creative about it, subconscious mind doesn't use logic it just take information as it is thus when you use creativity to make plan for your coming time you are giving a concrete idea of what you are looking for.

When you give clear picture of what you want, universe start working behind the scene to make that happen, but you need to have patience and trust the process.

In case you have previously planned or created a vision board then do not worry this is an assurance that you keep walking on your path and you will get guidance or new understanding or your desire is within reach.

Another card is Charity, Prayer and Contemplation: what a beautiful card it is they want to to ask help and open to receive, so after you make vision board you ask them to help you to achieve that and drop the desire for outcome and every time you cross that vision board, visualise that you have achieved it.

You can also opt for literal charity, donate something. In fact whatever you feel you lack give that part to someone who needs, like if you lack money give some part of your money to someone who needs, if you lack love then give love to who feel unloved ( it can be known or unknown person ). When we give we come out of scarcity mindset and entre in abundant mindset which will attract abundance.

Affirm : My desires are within my reach, I am open to receive. I have clarity of what i am looking for in my life and i trust the process as only good is stored for me.

Additionally I got really attracted to roses in this pic, thus you can bring fresh roses or you can plant a rose in your space or use rose essence to invoke divine love and blessings in your space.

Hope this associated with you, would live to hear your vision for 2019.

Thank you
Payal Lightworker

Angel card from Archangel Gabriel by Doreen Virtue
Keepers of light by Kyle Gray 


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