Message from universe for 19 Nov 2018 !

Today's message from universe on 19.11.18

You have asked for help, this message is from Angels and universe that your help as arrived, in some situations you cannot see help coming as you are seeing from your minds eye which see's limited vision. The help you are receiving is unknown to you that doesn't mean it's not available. Have patience as they are working behind the scene, you need to trust.

Another message is that be open to receive, the universe and angels gives us free will choices, thus when you asked for help you need to surrender the way help comes to you and also they are assuring that you deserve this help.

This help can come in form of some message, person, books, links, articles, friends or even strangers. Just don't limit yourself to receive help. Divine guidance comes in many forms, be in gratitude in advance so that you bind the universe and self to bring changes and blessings to you.

Pay attention to thoughts and ideas coming to you, they are divinely guided. You can write or note them as they will take you to desired outcome. Do not doubt the help coming as it's blocks the receptivity.

With regards to this divine assistance, for 30 days, intentionally intend by saying: I intend to see; I expect to see, no matter who I am with, no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing, I intend to see that which I want to see - You will change the momentum of your life experience.
First step to open receptivity towards your divine help is helping yourself, so for 30 days do this exercise along with gratitude.

Affirm : I am in gratitude for all help and divine assistance I receive from known and unknown sources. I deserve all divine guidance to live a healthy, abundant and happy life.

Lots of love and wishes !

Would love to hear from you about how you received help.

Thank you

Payal Lightworker

Angel card from Messages from Angels by Doreen Virtue
The law of attraction card from Esther and Jerry Hicks


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