
Showing posts from November, 2018

Bright future ! Today's message on 30 Nov !

Hello beautiful Souls ! Today's message is from Goddess Guidance Cards by Doreen Virtue and Power of Surrender cards by Judith Orloff. These cards gives you message to surrender attachment to results, do your best and do not look for results or get attach for results, if you do so you are delaying the process and results / outcome. Another Card is Laxmi, Bright future; this card is an assurance that your hard work will be paid, stop worrying, your future is bright. But before you look for this future, release and Surrender in this moment. If hold, you won't be open to receive and if you are not open to receive, you won't be able to enjoy your abundance. Universe is ready to shower abundance to you, this abundance can be in form of emotional fulfilment, new job, or promotion, new business opportunities, new friends or love, money, knowledge. Abundance come to you in many ways and forms, expect but do not be attach. You can pray to Goddess Laxmi for this bri...

Today's Angels message on 29 Nov !

Today's message from Angels ! Detox Your friendship, this card indicates that you need to let go of certain people in your life. You are shifting and growing or I would say evolving, hanging with people who do not have vision or aren't supportive of your vision can hinder your growth. Choose people wisely, people who we hang out has great influence on us, if someone mocks you, bullies you or belittle you, it's high Time you let them go. So that you let other people who want to support you, love you or even accept your imperfections can entre your space, though this new people coming may take time as when you detox you need to step back and evaluate your past actions and choices so that you do not repeat same mistakes, also before other good friends entre your life you need to feel deserving and worthy of same and for that forgive yourself for making past choices. You are not only what choices you make, you are allow to to make changes. The time when you feel yo...

Today's message from Angels on 28 Nov !

Today's message from Angels 28 Nov. Cards drawn for today are from life purpose Oracle cards and messages from Angels, and it's so much in sync. Angels wants you to assure that you are fully supported in your divine life purpose, some of you are already on path of their life purpose and others they will find soon, do not look for it, keep on doing what you are doing and purpose will find you. You can ask Archangel Michael to help you to connect to your divine mission. There are some major changes happening, it can be in your professional or personal life, this changes are happening for your growth, for your divine life purpose, as you have asked for help so now be open to receive it. Before the purpose serves you, you need to serve it, let your space be clear from all past clutter, do not go in fear or let anxiety take over. Do grounding during this period. As connecting to earth is connecting to your purpose on earth. Archangel Michael is giving you courage to ma...

Today's Angels message for you on 27 Nov 2018 !

Today's message from Angels 27 Nov 2018 Todays card is Nine of Abundance ! This card is an assurance that your hard work will be paid off, don't think that you need to be gratify immediately as sometime the results do take time. For e.g., when you plant a seed, you cannot get fruits same day, it's in process and you cannot challenge the process. You have work hard and now your hard work is paying you, if not paid yet then do not worry, you will get your due in return. Nothing goes waste, you learn from every thing, every experience shapes you and will shape your future. For today pat your back, for work you have done, buy or indulge in some luxurious activity that gives you sense of rewarding self. You deserve this, do not wait others to appreciate you as many time people appreciate the end result and not the little or big efforts you put, not the failures you saw in the attempts you put to achieve something, so today just pamper yourself, your achievements, see how...

Todays Angels message on 26 Nov 2018

Today's message is Calm and New Beginning ! Calm a simple word but it has so much of depth, angels are saying that you are entering in new phase, a new chapter in your life, stay calm. As changes or new beginning can bring restlessness, worry in this period. New Beginning and calm If you choose to stay calm you will experience more blessings, your projects, your situations, your new relation or an old relation taking new understanding are on horizon, which will bring love and abundance to you. Just for today stay calm, just for today do not. Worry. Count your blessings, take a journal and write gratitude list, as gratitude can help you to connect to your path, it can help you to replace your chain of negative thought patterns to positive thoughts. Happy thoughts can attract more happiness. Training yourself to stay calm can also help you in dealing with your daily struggles like if someone is angry on you for no reason, and in return you response with anger on same ...

Message from Angels for weekend!

Message for weekend from 23 to 25 Nov ! Wedding card brings message of Union of two souls coming together and starting a family, it's a card taking commitment to next level. So if you are looking for a sign for commitment, love or marriage do not worry, this is your sign. It's a sign, if you are looking for partner, also if you have  any negative belief or experiences with regards to marriage, realise it, as it's delaying the whole process as this is being validated by the card, Its time to leave unhealthy situation. Various messages can be • Wedding on cards, release negative thoughts, beliefs or past experiences so that you entre in a healthy partnership. • Attending a wedding can bring lot of happiness, also bless people who are getting married so that you attract a blessed marriage, in between I am really attending a marriage tomorrow 😉😊, I think it's sign for me too. ( Many time I do give my example so just sharing here as a universe signs are really...

Today's message from Angels : 22 Nov 2018 !

As you are heading towards 2019, the remaining month create a vision board for the coming year. People who wants to achieve something they work towards their goals, thus today( in coming days too) work towards your future plans. Divide your plans in baby steps, do not stick to results just write your plans on a vision board. If possible be creative about it, subconscious mind doesn't use logic it just take information as it is thus when you use creativity to make plan for your coming time you are giving a concrete idea of what you are looking for. When you give clear picture of what you want, universe start working behind the scene to make that happen, but you need to have patience and trust the process. In case you have previously planned or created a vision board then do not worry this is an assurance that you keep walking on your path and you will get guidance or new understanding or your desire is within reach. Another card is Charity, Prayer and Contemplation: what...

Message from Magical Unicorn and Mother Mary on 21 Nov. 2018 !

Happy thoughts, just have happy thoughts about self and others. Cherish happy memories, moments of your life. You can also make some happy moments today, like doing something that makes you happy. When we are happy and joyful we are at the highest energy of all. When you are joyful you attract more joyful moments. Universe works on law, how you feel will determine what you attract. Break free from your old thought pattern and you will see a clear path to walk towards your soul path, guidance, support and protection is available. Do not let other/outer negative energies, people, situation affect you. I always experience and now I am seeing that when you have a thought,that means you have potential outcome, the wisdom is what and how you choose your thought and how you give importance to same. Also Patience card from Mother Mary says that when you trust the divine timing, and divine plan you are already planting seeds of happiness. So think wisely, invest wisely. When we ma...

Todays message ! 20 Nov 2018

Today's message on 20 Nov 2018. Where is imbalance in your life ? As today's message is all revolving around balance. Primarily balance in relationship. We share a relationship in our life with various people, some are family, some are relatives, some are friends and even with strangers, and the most important relation is with our self and divine within us. Today reflect on your relationship, without blaming anyone, I mean anyone including self, see where is imbalance, where you are giving more or where you are only receiving. This imbalance of giving and receiving is delaying the process of you experiencing love in your relations. Also you need to learn to compromise to make relationship work, by compromising I mean adjusting ( here it's not about taking other person walk over your self respect but only adjusting ), when you learn to compromise you learn to give, when you give you are open to receive unconditionally. “Assumptions are the termites of relatio...

Message from universe for 19 Nov 2018 !

Today's message from universe on 19.11.18 You have asked for help, this message is from Angels and universe that your help as arrived, in some situations you cannot see help coming as you are seeing from your minds eye which see's limited vision. The help you are receiving is unknown to you that doesn't mean it's not available. Have patience as they are working behind the scene, you need to trust. Another message is that be open to receive, the universe and angels gives us free will choices, thus when you asked for help you need to surrender the way help comes to you and also they are assuring that you deserve this help. This help can come in form of some message, person, books, links, articles, friends or even strangers. Just don't limit yourself to receive help. Divine guidance comes in many forms, be in gratitude in advance so that you bind the universe and self to bring changes and blessings to you. Pay attention to thoughts and ideas coming to you, t...

Message from the Universe for 18 Nov 2018

Message for 18 Nov 2018 It says about Walking Away, walk away from situation that no longer serves you, walk away from people who disrespected you or who are toxic to you, walk away from choices that makes you feel not so good about self. Do not feel guilty about making choices you make, which you feel that are going to hurt someone, you are not doing to hurt them or to make them feel bad but you are doing this to make yourself as priority, so that you can start loving yourself, when you do that you become a a loving being. If you feel you were the one who was toxic to someone else then walk away from that behaviour and ask for forgiveness from the person and forgive yourself too. Your own toxic behaviour can be jealousy, greed, anger, blame or anything that drains you or your people around. If you have already walked away then this is an assurance for that your decision were right, do not be afraid as universe and guide are at your back. A brighter future is awaiting you, yo...

Today's message 16 Nov 2016

Today's message 16 Nov 2018 Today's message is " The ever unfolding Rose and Surrender Resentment " which says Do not doubt your path just trust as life is happening for you and to you. Any situation you see as good and bad, right or wrong is bringing you experience. Experience of life, so today step back and view life as an observant as a third person would view ( if you are not able to view do not stress as for many it can be new experience but if you are reading this message then trust that eventually you will be able to do it, just practice ) with out letting your ego or doubt letting it over power it. When you do it understand that what ever you are experiencing is it coming from love or resentment as it's coming from love you will be at peace if not then you are somewhere holding resentment, resentment comes when we are not happy with self, others or situation as the experience is not upto our expectations, when it's coming from resentment we are not ...

Angels message for 15 Nov 2018

Today's message on 15 Nov 2018 Angels message today is mostly around career and work. And message is today you are getting all the support for your career, the steps you are taking for your career is leading to advancement and fulfilling career. You just do the work with integrity that is being honest with self and others, do not worry if you will get recognition or promotion as hard work done with dedication never goes unnoticed. Ask Archangel Gabriel to help you in your career as she is an angel who helps to speak your truth and communicate with clarity, she is an messenger angel who brings news and messages from divine to motivate and confidence. For some of you there is opportunity to study further ( literally to school or learning through research and observation) specially if you are writer, journalist or artist, for others learning is a process of growth so don't assume you know everything as there is always a scope of improvement and it will bring you more confiden...

Today's angels message as on 14.11.18

Today's message on 14.11.18 Angels message for you today is "Everything is ok" , your challenges, frustrations, struggles, fears are results of your past experiences and that is burning you out, that is creating stress. This stress is not letting you think or act wisely, it is taking you to a situation which is delaying the whole process or making you take wrong decisions which is further taking you to more stress. Do not try and control the situation or the outcome. Stress is taking away your sanity and you are controlled by others too in this process. Today just pause, pause and see if this is really required, whatever your situation is reflect on it, if you are unable to do it mentally then write your worries, concerns and fears and see where is it coming from and do you still need them ( you can burn the notes you have written with an intention to let go of your fears and concerns )  Remember once you acknowledge the source of your concern you have a choice to let...

Angels message for 12 Nov 2018

Today's message on 12.11.18 Joy is highest energy of all, if you want love and abundance in your life you need to connect to your joyous self. I understand that you are not feeling joyful and the reason is fear of change so surrender that fear, surrender your past experiences, it has made you stronger and wiser person. You are creating biggest hurdle in your life by holding fear, sadness, guilt and anger. Give time to yourself, be gentle with self and others in this process. Give a break to self, do something joyful, join some class, meet inspiring people, bottom line do something that makes you genuinely happy. So this cards are for all who are in relationship, who are looking for relationship or coming out of any relationship. Let your passion drive you, instead of letting your fear leading you. Sometime change can scare us as it's unknown and you tend to pamper your pain as it's known and it's making you feel safe. So today gently choose faith instead of f...

Angel message on 11.11.2018 or 11.11.11

Today 11.11.11 message from Angels ! Don't judge your situation, don't see right and wrong, what appears to be a problem is actually leading you to a solution which you cannot see now. There is a bigger picture to your situation which you will understand later for now trust and let go of fear and keep walking on your path. Do not let your mind and Ego create hurdle for your growth, there is infinite possibilities, trust that best is stored for you. You can manifest today by writing down your goals and visualise them that you have accomplished And close with gratitude. Also there is prayer mention on card that can help you in your journey and manifestation. Lots of love. ♥️😊 #payallightworker #selfhealingjourney #abundance #tarotangelandyou #manifestation #blessingindisguise #prayer #archangelmichael