Universe message for Aries For 2019 !

Universe message for Aries For 2019 !!

Hello beautiful Souls!

 So this is general reading for sun sign Aries ! Take what resonates with you, always use your own instinct over any suggestions / predictions / guidance.

This year I feel it's about patience, about going within, connecting to your inner self, angels, spirit guides or and divine power you believe in.
You need to make a commitment towards yourself if you want to grow, if you want to see what the universe holds for you.  You have been struggling, specially I feel in relationship then it's high time that you take responsibility of your role in your relationship. While doing that you need to remove mask, mask where you are hiding your true feelings for self or others ( while expressing others do not be harsh as it won't resolve your situation, angels understand your anger but it's time to let go )
Surrender Resentment and surrender to inner peace, it's so much in sync as unless you let go resentment you cannot feel peace and unless you choose peace its difficult to let go resentment, so make choice wisely. Do not let your outer situation disturb your inner peace.
Go for it, whatever steps you feel guided to do resolve this situation, just do it. If you have been already working towards this then keep walking on your path fearlessly. See only love for self and others in this situation, see what lessons you have learned, and let go of experience. Connect to your inner child ( the younger you who have experienced this pain, anger or resentment and give love as only you can help yourself ) you can work with other children who have gone through similar situation and can empower them too and you never know while you are helping for them you are actually only empowering yourself.

Everything that you have experienced or you will in this year is as per your soul's plan, it's in divine order, early acceptance can help you in early experience of love and joy. Resentment doesn't allows you to accept, choose forgiveness, choose peace. Do what you feel right and if you want then write your thoughts and feelings as it will help you bring clarity.

Be careful in your relationship as you may come across some people who are not as they seem to be.
Very good year if you want to start writing or join some writers group for developing your skills in writing.
Release resentment about money, if you want money then release resentment, false or limited belief about money holds you back and stops you to enjoy abundance, see money as tool to better your situation or other people's situation. Money is an energy, how you see or feel about money, money will come to you.

For someone of you cards indicates that you are connected to Galactic ( other planets or releams ) and angels and they are waiting to help you, you can ask for help as you have been given free will choice and they cannot interfere in your choices. Choose taking help as it will make your life easier.

Pray Archangel Michael to stay committed. Prayer is mention on card below.  Also below writeup is from Doreen Virtue 

Message from Archangel Michael: You drew this card because you’re asking about how to improve a situation. Archangel Michael advises you to fully commit to your desired outcome. If you’re tentative, or unsure if you’re deserving or worthy enough, then the final result will be unsatisfactory. However, by making a commitment, you’ll help spark movement in your life.
Possible Specific Meanings: Commit to your current relationship to create more intimacy and satisfaction • Allow yourself to fully enjoy each moment • Completely immerse yourself in an exciting project • If you’re a musician or an artist, become deeply mindful of every note played or each stroke of your paintbrush • Be confident as you speak and write
Prayer: Archangel Michael, as the angel of courage and confidence, I call upon you to lend me your strength. Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my Divine purpose. Please clearly guide me so I can fully open my heart to every experience.

Thank you

Payal Lightworker

Cards are from ...

Keepers of light Oracle cards by Kyle Gray
Daily guidance by Angels by Doreen Virtue
Archangel Gabriel oracls cards by Doreen Virtue
Romance angels cards are Doreen Virtue
Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff
Archangel Michael Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue
Past life Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and Brian Weiss
Angel of Abundance by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine 

Email tarotreaderpayal@gmail.com me for personal readings

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