Message from universe for Aquarius!

Message for Aquarius for 2019 !

Aquarius message by Payal Lightworker 

Hello beautiful Souls!

 So this is general reading for sun sign Aquarius ! Take what resonates with you, always use your own instinct over any suggestions / predictions / guidance.

Aquarius message for 2019

Ok so I am an Aquarian too ! So excited when I saw these cards !

So message I felt from these card is to stand in your full power this year ! Admit and declare that you have come to bring that shift in your own life and other people's life. The focus of this year getting towards service of mankind, getting wiser and connecting to your true self. As you are doing this your personal life will be automatically align to best of people, finances, career or anything per say. It doesn't matter if you are in healing services like me or working in a bank or corporate or an artist, what matter is your intention, intention to serve through your work and doing it with integrity, authenticity and Sith love.

The message I feel is to focus on service, as mention earlier, you can be from any field of work ( please do not change your field unless you are sure as what matter is how you are serving through your work ) by serving can be your family, country, earth, universe or any particular / significant area that you are drawn too. Be honest with yourself, being honest with your true feelings, take good care of yourself as you are very important, you can bring great shifts this year to your life or other people's life. Embrace your responsibilities towards self and others, your wisdom which you got from many life times will help you explore many new opportunities coming your way.

Forgiveness for self and others is important so that you are free from any burden of self punishment, you deserve good and for that come out of your self limiting or self sabotaging mindset. Stop playing victim, surrender to your full power as this year is giving you further chance of creating a magnificent life for yourself, when you experience this power you will understand why certain things or certain experiences happened in your life.
Surrender comparison with other people, you are unique and you are good enough, only you can play your role and no one can play your role. Comparison also takes away your power as you focus on lack and this mindset cannot take you to your true calling, true strength or power.

To manifest more money or resources it's important to indulge in exercise as being an air sigh sometime you are too much in your head and when you exercise you can execute your plans in more creative and better way. Exercise will help you to ground you and grounding will help you to understand your purpose on planet earth. On and off go on retreat, be with yourself, as you are your best guide and spending time in quite nature can help you prioritise, and that will give you enough time for yourself too.

Helping children, connecting with children can be important part of your life purpose as what you have learnt now you can pass it on to others and be their mentor or guide. You can use your wisdom to guide and mentor them so that they come to their own power and become loving beings.

Important love yourself and respect yourself as doing everything for others at cost of your self respect can create blockage in your love life, this reminds me that you are no one to fix someone, specially your partner they have to fix themself ( only if they want too ). When your life is revolving around other person then you are violating boundaries in a relationship and allowing them to do same, if you are loving yourself first and it's not selfish to do that as you can give love only when your own cup is overflowing or else you will be exhausted and there is no love but only disappointment. But if you know that you deserve love and your primary relationship is with self then all your other relation will fall in place.

This year is a year where you are walking on a path for higher calling, a higher purpose as with Dharma Unfolding card it's says that it's your duty that you had selected before taking birth, so take one step at a time towards this and this will take you towards your happiness. You can ask Ascended Master DJWAL KHUL to help you in this mission.

Archangel Michael can help you in your life purpose too. Below writeup is from Doreen Virtue.
Explore Your Options
This card is bringing you a message to say you’ve worked hard to make your current circumstances palatable, and now it’s time to look at alternatives. Your coping and adaptation skills are admirable; however, Archangel Michael reminds you that it’s important to be honest and authentic with yourself at all times. You don’t need to compromise in any way, for Michael assures you that your needs will be met in gentle and loving ways.
We you discover that you do have more options, your sense of freedom expands and any anxiety over the situation is diminished.
Possible specific meanings: Update your resume and look for another job. Know that you won’t be alone if you leave an unhealthy relationship. Find new ways to heal the present situation. Research and explore your options. Change the professional you work with (such as your doctor, therapist, lawyer, and so forth). Allow yourself to daydream about possibilities. Remember that everything is possible!
Prayer to help: Dear God, thank you for your wisdom and love, helping me see, understand, and assess all of my alternative options. Please guide me in the best direction for my health, happiness, and life’s purpose.

Thank you

Payal Lightworker

Cards I have used

Keepers of light Oracle cards by Kyle Gray
Daily guidance by Angels by Doreen Virtue
Archangel Gabriel oracls cards by Doreen Virtue
Romance angels cards are Doreen Virtue
Power of Surrender by Judith Orloff
Archangel Michael Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue
Past life Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue and Brian Weiss
Angel of Abundance by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

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