Spirit message Believe

 Hello Beautiful Souls! 

Today's message is Believe ! 

To determine the outcome its very important to understand, what do you believe in ( along with what you want or what you have asked for). 

You are a powerful being, and higher power is working through you. So that positive thought or an intention or affirmation that has come to you when you were in higher frequency and your mind has picked up from there. Now to manifest that idea into reality, its important that you believe in it. Stronger your believe, higher and easier to manifest in your reality. 

Similarly if you have a negative belief, and you will be or you are experiencing that in your space. This belief has been formed or picked from your enviorment through your own experience or other people's experience and the minute you decide to change that belief, replacing with positive and you will see different results. 

Abraham says " Ask, Believe and receive" Now you have asked and some of you have been connected to higher releams for something important to be manifested through you, so if you have a bigger purpose to serve, just believe that this possible and Trust that you are just a channel to deliver this. 

Once you realised how powerful you are, there is no looking back. All your desires are within your reach. As Spirit want you to be creator towards this shift, towards experiencing love, abundance, joy, peace....... 

Affirm : I believe in myself, I believe there is Divine plan and I completely surrender to my souls path. 

Belive my dear Divine beings.... we are waiting for you to co create your and others new reality. 

Love and gratitude 


#payallightworker #tarotangelandyou #angelguidance #messagefromuniverse #believe  #messagesfromspirit by #johnholland


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