Message from universe ! Pick a card !
Hello beautiful Souls!
Close your eyes and select cards from bellow set of cards and then scroll down for your message from universe.
Now just check the message below ! Surprisingly all set are interconnected so if you are drawn to more then 1 set, feel free to check other messages to.
Note this is general reading so take what resonate !
Card A : Surrender to complete healing and Trustworthy Guidance : universe is guiding you And asking to surrender to complete healing. You have been asking or praying for something and for that it's important to let go that doesn't serve you. It can be unhealthy or toxic relationship or situation or your own behaviour.
Universe is guiding you through your dreams, inner guidance or even guidance coming from other people. Simply follow the guidance so that you can reach and receive what you have ask for, as they may answer your prayers but not in the way you want this, trust the process. Everything you want through or you are going through is part of bigger plan even if you cannot see that in this moment.
It's like a game and there are level at every level there is a challenge and to cross that you need to focus and determine your steps, more you follow the rules, more it will be easier for you to go next level. Instead of focusing on next level, play your part on whichever level you are, do not compare or resent. Surrender to complete healing, your unhealed emotions are not letting you see or trust so just let it go.
take professional counselling or consult a therapist so that it's easier my let go and create space for better.
Recurring dreams or flashes are part of your subconscious guidance or healing maintain a journal for same.
Talk to a friend or trusted person about your thoughts and feeling instead of repressing it.
You are on right path, even if you feel it's taking time or it's not bringing desired results. Healing is a process and it does takes time and effort.
Gratitude, forgiveness and affirmation can bring miracles in your life.
Card B : Surrender the drama and Energy work : Very similar to card A, if you are drawn to that set then please check for additional message.
Everything is energy, it's important how you use this energy. Your outcome is determined by your input thus do not feed your situation with your own or other people's drama as drama is nothing but an act of fear, act of lack or scarcity, act of guilt, anger, helplessness etc etc the more you feed drama, more you get involve in a vicious cycle of drama and delaying the whole process or even worst feeling miserable and disappointed.
Your thoughts, beliefs about self and others can be changed, you need to step back and review your life and see what is your need for this drama ? As this need which arrives from deep rooted unhealed emotion creates the havoc. For e.g. need can be for love, attention, fear or responsibility, fear or failure or success leading to non simply ask this to self " what is my need to be in this situation? "
For someone of you it's night time you take professional healing like counselling, therapy ( any be it art, inner child, past life regression, massage etc), reiki or alternative healing, even yoga, salt water therapy or bath, spa etc
If you are planning to take energy healing as your career choice then this is an assurance that you are called to do energy healing and your words or hands are meant to give energy healing and bring difference in the world. ( just like to mention Being an energy healer I suggest the more you heal yourself, more you be able to do for others, self healing makes you a better healing channel )
Detach, step back and come in centre and take required action.
Card C : Surrender to non action and Cleanse and detoxify : surprising but true that today all 3 set of cards are inter connected.
Do not chase for that job/ money/ love /person / house or anything per say. It's important to stay where you are and let it come to you. You have been doing your best, now surrender to non action and just let it unfold organically instead of you pushing hard because you are not getting what you want.
Cleanse and detoxify your thoughts, emotions, or even literal cleansing of body through treatments or cleansing of house or office space. Whatever you have been asking for is on higher vibration and to match that vibes it's important to let go whatever doesn't serves you or it's holding you back to raise your vibrations.
Universe operates on vibrations, you are magnet and what you believe in, what you feel, what you think or how you act plays an important role to determine your results.
Being in fear, scarcity or victim mindset, you cannot get results of winner. For this important that you be gentle with yourself and take one day at a time. Universe or divine knows that life was not so easy for you but do not forget that this was planned for your growth and evolution and to break the cycle of suffering and pain it's important that you surrender mom action and Cleanse and detoxify.
Focus on your breathing, join some class that you always wanted to enrol, dance, sing, write, go for a walk with or without your pet. The more you indulge in healthy activity, more you increase capacity to hold good things or feeling in your life. There is already abundance as it's not in different dimension, city, country or person the questiom is why you are not experiencing same and only you got the answer. So listen to your answer and follow the lead without getting entangled in your emotions.
Seek expert advice or counselling.
Go for any hobby or class that brings joy
Practice gratitude towards self
Healthy boundaries can play important role in your situation
Be assertive!!
Much love and gratitude
Payal Agarwal
Close your eyes and select cards from bellow set of cards and then scroll down for your message from universe.
Now just check the message below ! Surprisingly all set are interconnected so if you are drawn to more then 1 set, feel free to check other messages to.
Note this is general reading so take what resonate !
Card A |
Universe is guiding you through your dreams, inner guidance or even guidance coming from other people. Simply follow the guidance so that you can reach and receive what you have ask for, as they may answer your prayers but not in the way you want this, trust the process. Everything you want through or you are going through is part of bigger plan even if you cannot see that in this moment.
It's like a game and there are level at every level there is a challenge and to cross that you need to focus and determine your steps, more you follow the rules, more it will be easier for you to go next level. Instead of focusing on next level, play your part on whichever level you are, do not compare or resent. Surrender to complete healing, your unhealed emotions are not letting you see or trust so just let it go.
take professional counselling or consult a therapist so that it's easier my let go and create space for better.
Recurring dreams or flashes are part of your subconscious guidance or healing maintain a journal for same.
Talk to a friend or trusted person about your thoughts and feeling instead of repressing it.
You are on right path, even if you feel it's taking time or it's not bringing desired results. Healing is a process and it does takes time and effort.
Gratitude, forgiveness and affirmation can bring miracles in your life.
Card B |
Everything is energy, it's important how you use this energy. Your outcome is determined by your input thus do not feed your situation with your own or other people's drama as drama is nothing but an act of fear, act of lack or scarcity, act of guilt, anger, helplessness etc etc the more you feed drama, more you get involve in a vicious cycle of drama and delaying the whole process or even worst feeling miserable and disappointed.
Your thoughts, beliefs about self and others can be changed, you need to step back and review your life and see what is your need for this drama ? As this need which arrives from deep rooted unhealed emotion creates the havoc. For e.g. need can be for love, attention, fear or responsibility, fear or failure or success leading to non simply ask this to self " what is my need to be in this situation? "
For someone of you it's night time you take professional healing like counselling, therapy ( any be it art, inner child, past life regression, massage etc), reiki or alternative healing, even yoga, salt water therapy or bath, spa etc
If you are planning to take energy healing as your career choice then this is an assurance that you are called to do energy healing and your words or hands are meant to give energy healing and bring difference in the world. ( just like to mention Being an energy healer I suggest the more you heal yourself, more you be able to do for others, self healing makes you a better healing channel )
Detach, step back and come in centre and take required action.
Card C |
Do not chase for that job/ money/ love /person / house or anything per say. It's important to stay where you are and let it come to you. You have been doing your best, now surrender to non action and just let it unfold organically instead of you pushing hard because you are not getting what you want.
Cleanse and detoxify your thoughts, emotions, or even literal cleansing of body through treatments or cleansing of house or office space. Whatever you have been asking for is on higher vibration and to match that vibes it's important to let go whatever doesn't serves you or it's holding you back to raise your vibrations.
Universe operates on vibrations, you are magnet and what you believe in, what you feel, what you think or how you act plays an important role to determine your results.
Being in fear, scarcity or victim mindset, you cannot get results of winner. For this important that you be gentle with yourself and take one day at a time. Universe or divine knows that life was not so easy for you but do not forget that this was planned for your growth and evolution and to break the cycle of suffering and pain it's important that you surrender mom action and Cleanse and detoxify.
Focus on your breathing, join some class that you always wanted to enrol, dance, sing, write, go for a walk with or without your pet. The more you indulge in healthy activity, more you increase capacity to hold good things or feeling in your life. There is already abundance as it's not in different dimension, city, country or person the questiom is why you are not experiencing same and only you got the answer. So listen to your answer and follow the lead without getting entangled in your emotions.
Seek expert advice or counselling.
Go for any hobby or class that brings joy
Practice gratitude towards self
Healthy boundaries can play important role in your situation
Be assertive!!
Much love and gratitude
Payal Agarwal