Tarot and Angel Message for the day 2 Oct !
Tarot card Seven of Wands and Angel card Meditate. |
Message is all about how you are approaching and moving in your life. Are you facing some challenges ? Do you find every thing do, like a big task ? Are you trying to balance many things / situations, Still not able to ? Answer to all questions is Meditate ( Getting this message quite lately for my personal reading as well ). Mediation can help you face and balance everything. You need Inner peace and balance.
You will be facing some good or bad situation everyday, for that its necessary that you bring calmness inside you.
Try you wont be disappointed.
Let me know in how you feel when you meditate ? Please do comment you may inspire someone to start same !
Angel card from Ascendant Masters by Doreen Virtue and Tarot Card Rider Waite.