Horoscope for people born / celebrating birthday on 30th Aug

Horoscope for people born / celebrating birthday  on 30th Aug

Believe in GOD is the most important message for the year. It is key to solve many issues you are facing currently.

You will try to make everyone happy in your family, but due to lack of time it may create some rift in family. Control you emotions and try not be rude or selfish.

In career  its time to take some firm actions on your plans to attain long term goals. Also try not to get involve in any kind of disputes in office. Think and speak in any matters.

In legal matters there is justice indicated, try to be fair to everyone involved in the matter.

Finances will improve gradually, don't get depress with slow progress as this is just a passing phase.

A new beginning is indicated , thus leave your past and move forward to embrace the bright future.

Two prominent cards were Hierophnat ( but reversed ) and Emperor
Lucky dates are : 3, 12,21 and 30 th of any month
Lucky colour : yellow


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