
Showing posts from July, 2013

Tarot And angel Message for 27th July 13 !

Osho Zen tarot card Flowering Tarot card Flowering and Angel card Happily Ever After ! The message is that enjoy the nature around you, also you will be blessed with things in abundance. Be like a flower spread the fragrance around to your loved ones and strangers too. By spreading or sharing what good you have you will be open your door to happiness like in the card ( Happily ever after) we all suffer from some darkness or may be not able to see the life so beautiful, only after sharing what we have, we can come out of all problems and live happily Ever after. Tarot card from Osho zen and angel card Healing with Fairies by Doreen Virtue.

Tarot and angel message for 17 July 2013

Tarot and angel message for the day ! There may be problems in realationship, you may feel low and depress by your partners behaviour, try and do the prayer mention on the card , will help you to bring love and harmony back.  Tarot card Rider waite and angel card by arcangel michael by doreen virtue. Unable to upload pic for pic you can click on my facebook page 

Message by Tarot and Angels for 15 July 2013 !

Osho Zen Tarot Card Suppression and Angel Card Be Honest with your Self.  Message by Tarot and Angels for 15 July 2013 ! You are going through some tough situation, feeling of Suppress and tied up. Not able to move and think out of the box. There is light with in you just realise it, no one from out side can help you.  Angel message is that you are going through this because of your own reasons and situations you have created for yourself. " Be honest your self" and you will realise how to tackle the situation. Read out loud enough the message mention on the card to get your energies realise what you need to do.  Open your arms and let all positive energies come to you.  Tarot card by Osho Zen and Angel card is Daily guidance oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Tarot Card The Lovers and Angel Card Rise above your problems !

Tarot Card The Lovers and Angel Card Rise above your problems ! The lovers is the card for compatibility, partnership, togetherness, blessing to a couple from Angels and God, Harmony etc. It indicates that there is value, harmony and peace in relationship. Great understanding and mutual attraction also the choices available to you. Time to chose between what is wrong and what is right.  Angel Ca rd Rise above your problems Have faith and hope do not let it die. Having positive approach can solve half of the tough situation you are going through. If both are connected it says that whatever issues you are facing are negligible in your life, try to rise above all this and consider love and harmony as a priority, As no matter what the situation or problem is you can work on it and come out with positive outcome. Call upon angels to help you to heal the situation. Tarot card Rider Waite and Angel card healing with fairies.

Tarot Card Wheel of Fortune and angel card MAAT !

Tarot Card Wheel of Fortune and angel card MAAT !  Wheel of Fortune is that you must accept that there are always ups and downs in life. If you were to have Tarot Card Wheel of Fortune and angel card MAAT ! only good times, you would become less appreciative of what you have. Sometimes the bad times provide the contrast and perspective you need to be able to recognise how blessed you are when the good times come. So, when times  are good, enjoy the benefits but do not become complacent because things can change. When times are bad, do not be discouraged because even when things seem their worst it simply suggests that things can only get better Angel Card Maat "Fairness " Says that you will get your share of everything, its in Divine control do not worry about the results it will be fair and just manner. If I connect it with tarot message then it says that the situation you are facing now may seems to be unfair and unwanted but this situation will bring more hidden opp...

Tarot Card Nine of Swords and Angel Card Balance Career and Home life !

This is second time Nine of swords has come in a reading within 10 days time... Maybe it wants to help you as you may still not able come out of the problem.  Tarot Card Nine of Swords and Angel Card Balance Career and Home life ! Tarot card Nine Of Swords ! It indicates that you might be worried, feared or facing some guilt. Sleepless night due to anxiety or over analysing some situation or problems. It says that worrying will not solve problems take some practical steps to solve the problems. Angel card drawn as a solution to Nine of Swords says that the guilt must be related to not able to balance between home and your career. It may indicate that you are facing problems in home and career front and not able to take proper care of your responsibilities. But Angels wants to assure you that you can do it. Additional message is # Priorities your work. # Delegate to others. # Say no to unrealistic demands upon your time. # be honest with yourself and keep healthy boundaries i...

Angel Card Mother Marry ! Except a Miracle.

Mother mary Angel Card Mother Marry ! Except a Miracle. Angels wants to convey the message that need not worry about anything just have faith in God and Angels, they will help you in all possible manner.  Additional message  Attain Prayer Group Help others in need, Its a way to solve your own problems as well. Let the candle of faith be burning inside you. If I relate to The Tarot Card Hanged Man  it says that worrying too much in this situation wont solve your problems, Just surrender , Sacrifice if needed. Learn to help others and you will see your own problems will be vanished. Angel Card Goddess Guidance by Doreen Virtue.

Angel Card Clear and Shield your Energies !

Angels wants to help you to create space for new opportunities and beginning, but that can be done only Clear and Shield Your Energies. when you clear your negative energies and make room for new.  Call upon Archangel Michael a nd EL Morya to help you to clear and shield your energies. Additional Message Clear your home from clutter Detoxify your body and mind from negative thoughts and energies. Join meditation groups and Do meditation on regular basis. Remove or cut the cord from fearful people and situations. Be positive about everything. Angel Card Ascended Masters Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Angel Card Family !

Angel Card Family Harmony, peace, understanding is key to happiness in Family. Ask angels to help you to incorporate all positive vibes in you so that you can take care of your family. Your family needs your time and love. Spend time with them.  Six of Pentacles If I relate this card to the tarot card of today Six of pentacles then give your time, love to your family. Also it may be spend some on buying gifts of doing something for your family, it will bring immense happiness in your relations.  Angel card Daily Guidance oracle cards By Doreen Virtue.

Tarot Card Six Of Pentacles !!

Tarot Card Six of Pentacles. Tarot message by Six of pentacles is Charity, giving and receiving of money, time, energy and wisdom.  If you can then donate today your money, time and energy for a cause. This will help you bring balance back in your life.  Give to only who is in need.  If you want to apply for loan or want to clear your loan then today can be the right day for the same. Tarot Card Rider Waite