
Showing posts from June, 2013

Angel Card Beloved One !

beloved one  Call upon me ( angel ) to guide your thoughts and actions, to bring romance into your life. Converse with me regularly about your love life. I can help you fall in love with your life, and heal and manifest wonderf ul relationships.” If i relate this to tarot card drawn ( Three of Swords ) today then its a perfect combination that it conveys " Do not worry " that was not the perfect relationship for you, you deserve someone better than this. The next person coming into your life will be your spiritual soul mate, the compatibility and bond will be much stronger. just trust GOD and Angels. Angel card Archangel Oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Tarot card Three of Swords !

Three of Swords. As the pic depicts three swords in heart you may be suffering similar pain. It can be a heart break by some one you trusted or loved. A lover, partner or a friend may hurt you today, do not take things to your  heart. You may get bit overemotional for some reason. There is always ways to overcome from a heart break. Give some time to yourself and motivate yourself with good affirmations. tarot card Rider Waite. Have drawn a card Beloved One from Angel deck to help to over come this situation. 

Angel card Letting Go !!

Letting Go Angel Card “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” ― Steve Maraboli, Let go of situation, people who no longer deserve you. letting go will help you to get new beginning in life. Be willing to surrender to god and you will see He will help you in the best ways.  Also dont try hard to solve issues as trying to get control over the situation will not help you get the solution. Tarot card Flowering If i Connect the message of today's angel card to Tarot card drawn today ( Flowering) then it says that You have the quality of Flower which can bring happiness to many people life. You need to become that fragrance of flower which cannot be trapped by any one. Bring positive changes in your life with your outward and inward appearance. You will be surrounded with good people. Angel card Healing with Fairies By Doreen Virtue. ...

Angel Card Freedom !

Angel Card Hina Freedom  Angels wants you to release all your worries and make your self free from all issues ,situations, people who are holding you back to be your natural being.  You deserve all good, loved by god and by yourself also. Do n ot let any one overpower you. You have right to say no where you are not comfortable or you do not have your will.  Tarot card Hanged Man  If I relate the tarot Card ( Hanged man ) drawn today then it says that dont hold any feeling that stops you growing spiritually, emotionally, financially. Call upon Goddess Hina to help you to support in all your desire for expansion, creativity and freedom, also you can call Her to help you in fertility, attraction and manifestation. Ascended Masters oracle Angel Card by Doreen Virtue. 

Tarot Card The Hanged Man !!

Hanged Man It says you may be feeling stuck at some situation today, do not rush but take time to rethink and then act. Give some time to yourself for making decision as there may be more option coming your way. Release a nd surrender your worries is the needed today. Accept the facts also if any sacrifice needed from you then do not worry, you deserve better so this situation has arise. Do not try to control your situations. Tarot card Rider Waite.

Angel Card Peace !

Angel Card Peac Angels wants to remind you that our ultimate goal in our life should be peace. Only love can heal any situation, it can bring ultimate happiness in our life. Peace can be attain with love and harmony with people around u s. Only when we work on this we can enjoy Peace. If i relate this card to the tarot card i have drawn today( Five of Wands Reverse ) then it says that being passionate and facing a situation at the same time with peace in your heart can help you achieve many things in your life, just believe in HIM and trust HIM. Angels will help you to attain same, provided you give your willingness to attain it. Angel Card Archangel oracle cards by Doreen Virtue.

Reverse Five of wands !

Reverse Five of Wands Reverse Five of wands !  The card indicate that running away from any issue will not solve the problem. Face it and you will be surprise with the result as it may not be so difficult as you must have thought.  Feeling of being superior or  inferior will create an unhealthy situation, be passionate in your work or relation and have an equal status to bring peace and harmony. Prioritise, stay focus and committed to whatever you do, progress is on your way, you can achieve whatever you need. Tarot Card Rider Waite. 

Angel card Breathe !

Angel Card Breathe Angel Card Breathe ! The angel suggests that take deep breathe to get your energy back, breathing exercise will also help you to balance many things in your life, it will help you to take better decision with proper balance. Release your o ld pattern of working and make room for new. Angels remind us that what we inhale has to be exhale so don't hold your emotions or situation just trust your inner guidance and that can be develop only with awaken energies. Breathe is also related to meditation which can help any one to get attain calmness and bring peace in life with better choices. Seven of Cups If i relate this card to tarot card i have drawn ( Seven of cups ), Then it says that you need to concentrate on your priorities and balance at the same time, that can be gain through breathing properly. Indulge in regular exercise of breathing, can also go for Yoga which will help you in many ways. Angel card Archangel Oracle card by Doreen Virtu...

Tarot Card Seven of Cups.

Seven of Cups T arot Card for the day Seven of cups !! Today is a mysterious day, difficult choices to be made. many hidden wishes will make you wonder, Will also have a imaginative thinking. Control your thoughts take some practical decision if needed g o for professional counselling. Prioritise your work and take practical actions to complete. Dreams can become reality only by working towards it, just thinking about the same wont bring happiness. Tarot Card Rider Waite.

Angel card Moving Forward Fearlessly !

Angel Card Moving forward Fearlessly ! Angels wants you to remind you that do not be afraid of the things you want to do. just affirm  yourself and move without any fear and doubts. trust angels as they are walking beside you in every manner. They will guide you to take steps in every way. You are on correct way. If i want to relate this card to the Tarot card I have picked  today ( Four of Wands ) it says that do not have doubts of taking your relation to next level, move forward fearlessly as you will be guided by angels to have strong bond with your partner and people involved in the relationship. Those who wants to bring changes in their home, this card shows that without doubt it will bring positivity and happiness from all directions. Angel Card healing with Fairies by Doreen Virtue . 

Tarot Card for the day : Four of Wands !

Tarot Card for the day : Four of Wands !                                                                                                    Peace and harmony in relations. Good day for Marriage proposal . Shifting to new house, house warm party or house renovation can bring lot of joy. Or simply redecorating some areas in your house can bring lot of positivity.  Relax and plan a outing with your loved ones. it can bring joy. Tarot card Rider Waite.